Working through Grief, Loss, and Heartache

Getting started in working through grief may surprise you.

Grief is one of the most neglected and misunderstood topics, so we need to begin with a bit of education. This education will relieve you of the erroneous myths taught us about how to work with grief, and you’ll know exactly why and how those myths won’t ever work.

Also, I will not ask you to share a painful story – after painful story – after painful story. My approach is not like talk therapy or counseling at all – there is no analysis or dissection of feelings.

Instead, we take a more active approach, mainly in small specific actions (including some reading and some writing between sessions).

What if…

Questions and feelings of uncertainty may come up inside as you read this now. Some resistance may also be appearing. These reactions are normal. When we are in emotional pain, resistance often shows up to help protect our broken or hurt hearts.

The truth is, we don’t know how we will feel during or after this work. You never received instruction in how to process grief or loss.

And it’s not that you lack the courage – not by a long shot…

You have not had the information, the series of specific actions, or the practice. So, pain, loneliness, and isolation linger and become heavier and heavier. It’s brutal; it’s draining! And you don’t know how to change it, transform it, get rid of this pain, and keep the good-feeling memories.

These feelings were true for me before I walked through this method myself… I was uncomfortable. I had never done this work before, but I was out of ideas and still in pain – so some willingness was present, along with resistance and reticence.

No need to let those feelings stop you from moving beyond the pain resulting from pain, loss, or heartbreak.

About Me

Here are a few Wendy facts.

Serving the planet from West Seattle, WA, I live with my beloved wife and our big ol’ rescue dog named Rosie. I adore this part of the city and have a special soft spot for the year-round Sunday Farmer’s Market.

When I’m not busy in my practice, the chances are good that I’m knitting a pair of hand warmers, stitching some small project, or watering my plants while listening to audiobooks and podcasts.

My heart, soul, and comfort foods include Indian and Ethiopian cuisines and any seasonal delights from the outdoor markets, including Pike Place.

About working with me, specifically

Previous clients will say it best:

“Wendy created and held a sacred space for me as I shared my losses. I was able to express myself and my emotions without worrying I would be judged, shamed, or not be enough. Being able to acknowledge my losses this way revealed patterns that were not lifegiving. It allowed me to let go of thought patterns that were creating hardships in my life.”
– Anonymous client

“I needed to say out loud and be heard about the way different relationships have hurt me. I needed to let go of the pain. I needed to go through the process and stop carrying the weight of the losses. This program and Wendy helped me do this. I feel lighter. It couldn’t have come at a better moment. Wendy was accessible and a listener with heart.”
– Anonymous client
“Before working with Wendy and The Grief Recovery Method®, I had no idea how to process my grief or that I was even experiencing grief from the losses in my past. Wendy helped me learn and created a safe space so that I could start processing my grief and those losses that I needed to process. I now have steps that I can take to process a loss and give myself space to feel the emotions that I am experiencing. And this has translated to other people in my life, which has helped make my relationships stronger.”
–Anonymous client